The Importance of Regular Hygiene Visits

Our dentist in Beverly Hills, MI is dedicated to protecting your smile. There’s no reason why your smile shouldn’t last a lifetime if you take good care of it. Fortunately, there’s several things you can do to keep your smile healthy and shining bright.

Taking Care of Your Smile

First of all, you should eat a balanced diet that’s rich in tooth-building minerals like calcium and phosphorus. This will help keep your teeth healthy and your immune system strong. Also, try to avoid snacking on sugary foods and be sure to rinse your smile with water if you enjoy a sugary snack between meals.

It’s also extremely important to practice regular preventive care which includes brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash twice a day. Make sure to choose a toothbrush with soft or extra soft bristles, fluoridated toothpaste, and antibacterial mouthwash that helps prevent gum disease.

Good for you if you’re already taking these steps to protect your smile, but it still isn’t enough. In order to fully protect your smile, it’s also essential to visit our team for regular hygiene visits where we provide treatment that can’t be duplicated at home. our team recommends that you have a hygiene visit twice a year, and he might suggest that you see us three or four times annually if you’re experiencing complications such as advanced gum disease.

Preventative Dentistry

Effective dentistry is largely a matter of preventative treatment, and your hygiene visit is no exception. The two most common issues that we’re working to prevent are tooth decay and gum disease. Both of these conditions are caused by bacteria that feed on the plaque and food particles in your mouth.

Our dental hygienist will give your smile a thorough cleaning which includes removing the plaque from your teeth. Afterwards, we’ll polish your teeth. In addition to making your teeth look fantastic, this will also create a smooth surface that helps prevent plaque from sticking to your teeth.

Once your smile is clean, our team will go over your x-rays with you and give your smile a complete examination. He’ll inspect your teeth and check for signs of potential issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer.

Beautiful and Healthy Smiles in Beverly Hills, MI

Regular hygiene visits don’t just preserve your oral health. They also improve the esthetics of your smile and help prevent chronic bad breath. That’s because we remove the plaque which is a major source of the bacteria that causes bad breath.

Contact our office today to schedule your next hygiene visit with our team. The benefits are really worth it.

What to expect on your first visit!